Events from the life of factory workers

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A double celebration

Kulebachans celebrated a double holiday - Metallurgist's Day and City Day. The heads of the Ruspolimet Group of companies and the Kulebaki city administration awarded outstanding people - metallurgists and employees of various urban areas - for their invaluable contribution to the development of the plant and the city. A pleasant moment of the celebration was the presentation of the jubilee medal "30 years of the Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod Region" to the General Director of JSC Ruspolimet M.V.Klochai for his personal contribution to the formation and development of the legislation of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The festive evening was decorated with musical performances by artists of the Recreation Center, the Ruspolimeta ensemble (O.Slyudova, L.Fomicheva, V.Timakov, Yu.Morozov, I. Shustval), as well as a gift from the city-forming enterprise - a performance by the Fabrika group. The evening continued in the city park, where the dancing atmosphere was created by the band "Always!".

Metallurgists and sports are always together

On July 20, a sports festival was held at the Metallurg city stadium dedicated to the professional holiday of people of the fiery profession – Metallurgist's Day. On this day, the stadium gathered fans of chess, dominoes, darts, beach volleyball, small towns, mini-football, athletics. All the children who came to the competition took part in various competitions. The families of metallurgists participated in the family competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family": Cherkasov, Ivanov, Golodukhin, Kanchurov. No one left the sports festival without a gift. All participants, both children and adults, were awarded with valuable gifts from the metallurgical enterprise.