Events from the life of factory workers

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Ruspolimet in the youth bike ride "Russia in motion"

The guys from the Council of Young Specialists of Ruspolimet JSC drove through the streets of the city as part of the youth bike ride "Russia in motion". The SMSOVS proudly presented their native enterprise on the bike route, supporting this sporting event with other guys from various Kulebak organizations and institutions. There was no task to set speed records at all, cyclists gladly overcame the track, contemplating the beauty of their beloved city around them.

The team of Ruspolimet JSC won the city tourist rally!

From June 15 to 16, the 39th tourist gathering of working youth in hiking took place on the shores of Lake Derganovo. Four teams came to compete for the main prize  – a Cup and a tourist tent on the shores of Derganovo this year: the team "Brigade" of JSC "Ruspolimet", "Culturists" – representatives of cultural institutions of our district, the team of "Entrepreneurs" and "Sports Nation" (Metallurg sports school). The third place according to the results of the standings was won by the team of "Culturists", the second place by the team of "Sports Nation" and the winner of the rally was the team "Brigade" of JSC "Ruspolimet", which received the main prize.