Events from the life of factory workers

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A touching and touching picture appeared before the fans. The kids, coping (and not so much) with the ambient noise and the universal attention of a large audience, strove to the finish line: some are running, some are on a bike or scooter, and some are crawling... Each of the little athletes is a real hero and deserves the support and gifts that the participants of the competition received from the organizers. And the children of the factory workers also received additional prizes – scooters from our company Ruspolimet.

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A touching and touching picture appeared before the fans. The kids, coping (and not so much) with the ambient noise and the universal attention of a large audience, strove to the finish line: some are running, some are on a bike or scooter, and some are crawling... Each of the little athletes is a real hero and deserves the support and gifts that the participants of the competition received from the organizers. And the children of the factory workers also received additional prizes – scooters from our company Ruspolimet.

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Little metallurgists on a pedestal!

To be more precise, the children of Ruspolimet employees, who, despite their very young age, took part in their very first "Little Sprinter" competitions in their lives.

A touching and touching picture appeared before the fans. The kids, coping (and not so much) with the ambient noise and the universal attention of a large audience, strove to the finish line: some are running, some are on a bike or scooter, and some are crawling... Each of the little athletes is a real hero and deserves the support and gifts that the participants of the competition received from the organizers. And the children of the factory workers also received additional prizes – scooters from our company Ruspolimet.

The Zakharov family became the winner of the All-Russian competition "Big Family - support of Russia". Larisa and Sergey have six children. Both parents are employees of Ruspolimet. Sergey works as a master of pre-production in the Central Research and Development Center, an active innovator. Work experience is 21 years. Larisa has been working as a KIP locksmith in the factory for 22 years.

"The victory of the factory workers, the Zakharov family with many children, in such a big competition is a landmark moment not only for them, but also for our entire enterprise. After all, if you look at the history, they are representatives of the factory dynasty in the 3rd generation," commented V.V. Klochai, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Ruspolimet, member of the Board of Trustees for the development of the Sarov and Diveevskaya monasteries.

The factory family became the winner of the All-Russian competition