Events from the life of factory workers

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Factory youth received awards

A letter of thanks from the administration of Kulebaki for active participation in the development of the youth movement in the territory of Kulebaki and in connection with the celebration of the All-Russian Youth Day was awarded to employees of Ruspolimet JSC, members of the Council of Young Specialists:

- Evgeny Anufriev is a leading specialist of the Opvs;
- Julia Zakirova - HR Specialist of OOTiZP, SMS Secretary;
- Dennis Plotov - master of the Power Plant site, head of the SMS project activity;
- Ekaterina Nikolaeva - metal heater of the Central Committee;
- Oleg Kudryashov - master of the electrical equipment repair site;
- Oleg Konyashkov is the master of the main production of the UCR.

The factory worker became the winner of the Pro Ski Cup in duathlon

Vladimir Alekseev, a factory worker, became the winner of the II stage of the Proeski duathlon Cup (6km running + 9km roller skis) in Nizhny Novgorod. Among the 30 participants of different ages who went out on the sports track that day, Vladimir was in the top three from the very beginning. 

Neither the high temperature of the air outside, nor the high level of training of his rivals could knock him off his intended goal, and according to the results of the duathlon, Vladimir took 2nd place and the best time on roller skis!