Ruspolimet Group presented its capabilities at the main metallurgical forum of the country - Metal Expo, held from November 7 to 10 at Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow. The company, together with its subsidiaries, demonstrated a series of new import-substituting products - from new types of metal powders to thermal mechanical equipment for nuclear power plants.

Metal-Expo is the main exhibition of domestic metallurgists. The leading companies of the industry demonstrate their achievements, including the Ruspolimet group. The general stand shows the achievements of the head and seven subsidiaries - "Grankom", "Vacuum Metallurgy Plant", "Vyksa Foundry", "Drobmash", baking company "Thermstal", as well as engineering companies "Special Metallurgical Engineering" and "RES Engineering".

Ruspolimet at Metal Expo: new products in the field of import substitution. VIDEO

The exposition includes both traditional products for the company - rings for aircraft engines, including those with final machining, and new ones - bars and pipes made of titanium alloys, import-substituting non-magnetic steels. A series of novelties - from the Grankom powder metallurgy plant: new types of metal powders and products made from them, for example, the lid of a small reactor made by hot isostatic pressing (GIP).

"This year we have mastered a new nomenclature - a number of powders for spraying on blades, which are certified and already used. The production of new products by the GYPSUM method has been mastered, in particular, the covers of a small nuclear reactor. We hope that after certification this product will go into production. In general, this year we have shown another growth and should cross the threshold of 2 billion rubles. The growth will be about 40%," said Artem Maksimov, director of Grankom.

In the future, Grankom plans to expand production capacities both in 3D printing, in the future - the installation of a third 3D printer, and in the field of GYPSUM. A mock-up of a gasostat - a hot isostatic press for producing products from metal powders - is also on the stand of the Ruspolimet group. The production of this equipment is established at Drobmash. The baking company "Thermstal" from St. Petersburg participates in the cooperation. Design support is provided by the subsidiary "Special Metallurgical Engineering".

"We are expanding the range of our projects. Today we have almost all the design documentation for gas stations from GIP 700 to GIP 2200. We are moving on to the design of hydrostats - isostatic presses without high-temperature processing," says Leonid Kravchenko, director of the Media.

Meanwhile, Vyksa Drobmash announces a new offer for metallurgical companies: the plant is ready to produce metallurgical slag processing lines for the industry. "A slag processing line has been developed especially for metallurgical industries. The first unit of this equipment is installed on Ruspolimet. We designed it, produce it and provide 24/7 service," said Lyubov Sirotkina, Managing Director of the company.

As part of the Ruspolimet group at Metal Expo and the RES Engineering engineering company. Over the past year, the company has launched an assembly production of thermal and mechanical equipment for nuclear power plants in St. Petersburg. On the stand there is a prototype of a control valve of the 3rd safety class for the Turkish Akkuyu NPP.

"No one has ever made such valves in the country before, they were produced mainly by Italian and Spanish companies. At the first stage, we started assembling this equipment from foreign components at our production site. In the future, we plan to localize the production of valve components," said Sergey Tikhonov, General Director of RES Engineering. 

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RES Engineering has launched the assembly production of thermal and mechanical equipment for nuclear power plants

The subsidiary Vyksa Foundry, which produces castings from steel and gray cast iron, and the Vacuum Metallurgy Plant, which produces titanium alloys, also present their capabilities. The prospect of ZVM for the next year is the expansion of production.

"This year we exceeded the plan by 20%. Capacity expansion is planned for next year. We are purchasing another vacuum-arc furnace, which will additionally melt about 400 tons of ingots per year. In addition, in this furnace we will be able to melt larger ingots - up to 3.5 tons, the capabilities of Ruspolimet, in turn, allow them to be processed," said Dmitry Shevchenko, First Deputy General Director of ZVM.

The head of the group Viktor Klochai introduces the new products to the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the country Viktor Yevtukhov.

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Hundreds of meetings and presentations. Negotiations at Metal Expo are ongoing. "We are discussing with our clients the results of this year and plans for the next one. The load is growing, next year we are seeing growth again. Already the first half of the year can be said to be busy in terms of production capacity. We are trying to optimize production planning, loading of units in order to produce more products," said Maxim Klochay, CEO of Ruspolimet.

"We are very glad to partner. I always note responsiveness, decency, strict adherence to deadlines and agreements. Kulebakam - hello!", - said Lev Ulyanov, Deputy General Director of JSC NPP Aerosil.

According to Viktor Klochai, all the group's enterprises are showing confident results this year, many new import-substituting products have been mastered.

"We state the fact that we are growing due to the creation of new technologies, the creation of new capacities, the development of new competencies. If we talk about the dynamics of growth, then for the group it will be about 25% or even more, for Ruspolimet - about 22-23%. Therefore, I positively assess the work of all our departments, our teams with words of sincere gratitude and appreciation for the work this year. Our year ends with significant events. One of the main things is the delivery of a unique unit, the gas station 2200, which will allow, together with the work that has been done and is continuing on the development of the powder direction, to create, indeed, real conditions for the transformation of the technological structure in responsible engineering," said Viktor Klochai, head of the Ruspolimet group.

The exhibition lasted four days. According to the results of the forum, the stand of the Ruspolimet group was recognized as one of the best. During the negotiations at Metal Expo, the contract base of the group's companies for 2024 and subsequent years was formed. The plans include another increase in production indicators.

Source: Business News